About Tre'
Leroy Tre’ Hutchins is a proud product of the Cobb County School District, having attended Otis A. Brumby Elementary, East Cobb Middle, Lindley Middle, and the Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts at Pebblebrook High School.
As a family man, Leroy enjoys raising his 27 year old, Edward whom graduated from Pebblebrook High School, Kimo, 15 years old attending the Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts at Pebblebrook High School and Marlon, 14 years old, at Lindley Middle School in Mableton. He and his family are partners of the dReam Center Church of Atlanta, under the direction of Lead Pastor, Bishop William Murphy III.
Leroy, affectionately, known as Tre’ loves South Cobb County and can be found serving with several organizations advocating for children and his community.
Tre’ advocates through Georgia PTA where he serves on several local unit boards and is the President of the South Cobb Council PTA. The South Cobb Council PTA supports and undergirds 28 local units that feed into South Cobb High School, Pebblebrook High School, McEachern High School and Hillgrove High School.Tre’ also serves as an Advisor to the Georgia PTA Board of Directors.
Tre’ has remained a staunch supporter and volunteer with community and youth organizations, including State of Our Schools, which provides parents with resources, life skills workshops and School Council training. School Councils are one of the most effective ways to help shape the culture and climate of our community schools.
Tre’ is actively involved on several Advisory Boards to include Community In Schools Cobb County Marietta, State Advisory Panel member with the Georgia Department of Education/ Special Education and Gift of Music.
As a civic minded member of his community, Tre’ is active with the Austell Community Taskforce, Mableton Improvement Coalition and the organizer of the South Cobb Alliance, the grassroot community organization that worked toward the incorporation of Mableton, Cobb County’s newest city.
Tre’ believes "It is time WE change the narrative of our community by changing the narrative of our community schools. As a community WE all share a part in ensuring our children and schools are successful. Together WE will be the change WE want to see for Our Children, Our Future, and Our Community!”